Were You At H.I.V. Risk? – If Yes Get Tested Soon

Published on October 12 2020

Arlington HIV screening test center

Scores of people ages 13 to 25 are diagnosed with H.I.V. every year in the United States.

Yet medical professional says nearly half of young people do not know they have it.

It must be borne in mind that the virus is no longer fatal as it was considered decades ago – a compelling reason why youngsters must not undermine the life-saving benefits of antiviral medications.

Yet people ignore testing leading to a higher risk of AIDS and death.

A research study was done several years ago that involved nearly 80,000 people diagnosed with H.I.V. revealed more than half of them were diagnosed late and a third very late. 

“Late presentation is serious’, says a doctor at an Arlington HIV screening test center. “ This is associated with increased chances of AIDS deaths, particularly after the first year of diagnosis”

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), recommends that every sexually active person above the age of 13 must get tested.

Sadly this is ignored with only 20 percent of active high school students are being tested.

On an optimistic note, however, the Governor of New York announced last year that New York is on the verge of ending the H.I.V. epidemic in the state by this year (2020).

Experts are of the view that this success is in large part due to the use of PrEP (pre-exposure prophylaxis) and the ease of antiretroviral drugs.

H.I.V. testing is the key to H.I.V. prevention.

H.I.V. testing services (HTS) or a full range of services must be provided with H.I.V. testing that includes counseling and connection to appropriate care. 

The objectives of HTS are

•    To identify individuals with H.I.V. by offering them access to quality testing services 
•    To appropriately connect people and their families to H.I.V. treatment, care, and support.
•    To scale up a high level of interventions to minimize H.I.V. transmission and related morbidities.

Importance of H.I.V. testing 

If people become aware they have H.I.V. can get the appropriate treatment and remain healthy for many years. 

This treatment is called antiretroviral therapy or ART.

The sooner you go to an HIV testing center Arlington VA the better it is.

Studies have revealed that those people who start the treatment early after diagnosis benefit the most from ART.

As one virologist put it, “If you take the medicine as prescribed and stay virally suppressed you will not risk transmitting this disease to others”.

In case you are keen to get tested for H.I.V. you have several options.

•    Your primary care provider’s clinic
•    Community health centers
•    Family planning clinics
•    STD and sexual health clinics 
•    Urgent care centers 

Fortunately, H.I.V. Affordable Care Act has enabled testing to be covered by health insurance without co-pay. 

In case you test positive you can be linked to H.I.V. care and treatment and you can also discuss the best prevention methods if you test negative.

Visit one of the Arlington HIV screening test centers if you feel you were at risk. Keep in mind that early knowledge of your H.I.V. status can reduce morbidity and mortality and vastly improve the quality of your life.

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